Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Join this group if you grew up in North Miami Beach in the 1970s

A friend's Facebook status update gave me the idea to start a new Facebook group, "Growing up in North Miami Beach in the 1970s," with a focus on places and events that occurred in NMB in the 70s. There are many groups for other cities and times.  I'll try to keep the group on topic. 

Thousands of "kids" from NMB in the 1970s have shared their memories from restaurants, record shops, various pizza shops, delis, schools, sports, Haulover, and Greynold's parks.

Dozens of names I haven't heard in decades suddenly streamed across my computer.

Do You Remember any of these places... 
  • Greynolds Park
  • Skylake Mall
  • Sandy's Drugs
  • People's Gas on West Dixie Highway
  • 163rd Street Shopping Center
  • Record Shack, Record Land, Blue Note, Vibrations, Peaches
  • Victory Park and Uleta Pools
  • Figaro's, My Pi, Steve's on 164th Street
If you grew up in North Miami Beach the 1970s or are curious about "the way it was", join the Growing up in North Miami Beach in the 1970s Facebook group. Don't forget to answer the membership questions. If we knew each other in NMB, add me as a friend (send me a message and let me know you're adding me just in case I can't remember an old friend from the 70s).