Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Bad customer service from your doctor

If your auto mechanic treated customers like a doctor treats patients…

Before I start this rant, lets preface it with there are some great doctors and some of the great doctors give great customer care. Now that we got that out of the way, this rant excludes those great doctors and is referring to the rest.

Doctor versus a ‘real world’ business:

  • Doctor’s Office calls patient: The appointment you have is being moved 3 hours earlier, if you can’t make it the next open appointment is in 5 months. (Auto mechanic blowing off a customer? For 5 months? I can’t imagine)
  • Doctor’s Office calls patient:  Your appointment for next Tuesday has to be rescheduled, the doctor won’t be in the office. (Auto mechanic taking a day off to play golf?)
  • Sitting in waiting room for 90 minutes to see doctor. (I get an accurate completion time from the garage and I never waited more then a few minutes for my car to be written up)
  • After waiting 90 minutes for the doctor, he/she only spends 11 minutes doing an exam and diagnosis (Sorry the mechanic has 12 minutes and can only fix one tire)

Sure some people put up with bullshit from doctors because they really think the doctor is a higher being.

Ever see this familiar sign in a doctor’s office? “the customer is always right.” Probably not, but would it surprise you to see this sign, “Patients should be seen, not heard”?

So when getting the run-around in the doctor’s office, think about this, “Would my auto mechanic treat me like this?” The answer is probably not–because the mechanic is in business and knows word of their customer service will kill the business.  It seems that Doctor’s don’t give a damn about bad press.

Doctor, try to treat your customers patients with a bit of respect. There's a good chance the patient is not feeling very well and not up for your bullshit.  Thank you.