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Tuesday, September 4, 2018

How NOT to shoot video on your cell phone

Everyone is suddenly a videographer with the millions of iPhone and Android users. The ugly proof is visible on sites like YouTube. Any time something happens or a band takes the stage, up go the phones and content is created. Bad content. Shot Poorly. But that has little impact on the numbers.  Thousands, sometimes a million views of bad video.

I'm not here to say stop capturing events, keep recording. Just listen to a few real quick tips and maybe the world will have a few minutes of better content streaming around it.

  1. Let your clips record at least 10 seconds
  2. Hold the camera horizontally
  3. Use a steady hand or tripod
  4. If you pan (move camera side to side) do it slowly and hold the shot for 4 seconds after the pan
  5. If you tilt (up or down) follow the same rule of slow titlt and hold your shot after the tilt
  6. A smooth zoom is sometimes difficult on a cell phone so avoid zooms entirely

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