Friday, August 26, 2011

Got Drupal? Check out Drupalcon Keynote speech by Dries Buytaert, The State of Drupal

Dries Buytaert, The State of Drupal (keynote speech)

Dries Buytaert is a man of many interests. He holds a doctorate in computer science and engineering. He is a photographer. He is a husband and father. He is Belgian. However, you may know him best as the original creator and project lead for the Drupal open source Web publishing platform or “the reason there is a DrupalCon in the first place”.

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Friday, August 19, 2011

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Friday, June 24, 2011

videos from concerts and festivals - First 1/2 of 2011

Woohoo, my still camera shoots video. It doesn't shoot video well. It drains the battery. But yeah, my still camera can shoot video and that being the case, while clicking away stills at a show, I may get inspired to burn up the battery and shoot some video. Here are the clips I shot in the past few months. I have a bunch of taper friends who would probably say this is crap. Hey don't worry, being a video editor, I'm my own worst critic.

Pete Seeger

Big Sam's Funky Nation

Rebirth Brass Band

Friday, June 3, 2011

Does IKEA suck for you too?

Maybe it's me. There, that's my disclaimer.  IKEA just sucks. 

  • Stores are designed to keep you moving like a gerbil in a habitrail, picking up scraps of cheese along the way until you get to the end.
  • Helpful and willing salespeople are hard to find.
  • Check outs are slow and have long lines.
  • Assembly.  Do I even need to mention it?
  • Website? Go ahead and try to create your PAX closet online. 
  • Delivery.  XPO's voice response system doesn't recognize my zip code.  Absolutely no changes to delivery times. 
  • XPO's website gives an AJAX error. 
  • How about some horse meat meatballs, Trigger?
  • And the long lines to pay for your meatballs.
  • HERE IS A POSITIVE:  The Ikea twitter account is manned by people who try to help!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Funny State Signs found around the web

I stumbled upon a bunch of funny state "Welcome" signs from various places while surfing the web...


Stop Northern Aggression sign in Mississippi

Stop Vandalizing Stop Signs
Castine, Maine


Monday, January 31, 2011

Hey January, enough of the crazy winter weather. Let New York thaw out a bit

New January record set as 19-inch snowfall pushes city past 1925 mark

There is no place left to pile up the snow, and February doesn't want to be outdone...
What is coming in February? Snow on the 1st, leading into ice and freezing rain on the 2nd.

For the last week crossing the Hudson River to NYC feels more like a voyage on the Titanic than a quick trip across the river. Some of these ice sheets are bigger than a truck.

I've had enough of Winter for 2011.

Friday, January 7, 2011

They say eReaders, Tables and Wireless / mobile are hot now

Friends out at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas are tweeting and sending updates that tablets and suped up mobile devices are the buzz in technology for 2011.  Expect to see a zillion tablets announced before the iPad finally dominates over all. And I figure we'll finally have the Driod / iPhone cellular smackdown in true WWE style at some point before Summer. 

Me? I'm still hanging in there with a pre-historic flip-phone. iCult followers accuse me of being an Apple Hater but I insist I'm not anti any computer manufacturer, just take a holistic view of the product. I've said it before, Apple has great designs, but why am I pummeled with juice boxes for saying their touch screen keyboard is small and awkward for touch typing?

I'm sure I'll switch over to a smart phone at some point. Just don't have a need to add $150 to the monthly cell bill. I figure the big cell service providers like AT&T, Sprint, and Verizon will roll data into their basic plan (Remember at&t used to charge more for touch tone, back in oh, 1793? Rotary Dial? DTMF? Hello? Who's reading this, anyway?). Right now my cell provider only has two dumb phones available, and my flip phone is pretty beat up.

If my phone holds out a few more months, I may replace it with one of those fancy 21st century phones. Lets see what gadgets are released at CES. Otherwise, sing along with me to the tune, "If my phone only had a brain."