Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Monday, June 24, 2019

Uh Oh! Your Con­tent Is Not Avail­able Error

What's up with Facebook’s Con­tent Is Not Available message?

I'm sure you've seen this, you're scrolling down the timeline or in a group and see a big message that says, "Content is not available right now."

Maybe this will help you figure out what's going on.

I'll start with the obvious tech support type question, "Is your computer on?" Oh wait, obviously the computer is on or you wouldn't get to the Facebook website :) 

Okay step 2, are you using someone else's computer or are you logged in as someone else? Make sure you are logged into Facebook with your own ID.

Seems the most common reason this message appears is the Privacy Settings. When someone creates a post on Facebook, there are settings that let the content be seen only by who they decide. Like only let a specific group of friends see those beach photos; all your friends can see the blind date post except the blind date's friends; only a few specific people who you are close with with can see your medical update. If you originally posted the message, try to edit the privacy settings of the post or media and see if that helps. 

The person changed their mind and deleted the original content but before it was deleted someone managed to share it. This happens more than you might think.

Are you blocked? When a user blocks you and a mutual friend shares their content it may be possible to see the message. Usually when someone blocks you, their profile, and status updates are hidden but we're dealing with computers and they can always get buggy.

It's also possible Facebook removed the original post for various reasons or the user's account was closed.