Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Steve's affiliate links

I set up links on Amazon and a few other sites with the attempt to generate a few dollars of income. So far it's not really generating very much, under a buck in the last year or two. But that doesn't mean give up. 

Some sites offer customers referral commissions. I'm going to put a few of the referral links in this blog post, maybe you will benefit from their offers.








Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Thank you 3.3 million followers!

Imagine 3.3 million people! Where do I start?  Who knew where it would lead when I started blogging on occasion? Some of the topics I blog about have been spun off onto their own blogs. The very popular bloggers get millions of followers, one day I may generate those numbers but not yet.  

When I saw some famous Instagram or Tic-Tok blogger mentioned on the news, and the number of people checking out their content it got me curious and I went to check the stats on my own blogs. Nope, not millions but it's cool to see there are a few of my blogs getting traffic. I think it's great a few dozen of you reading the content I publish on my blogs. Remember if it's interesting, entertaining or you just like something, reblog, share, like, follow, etc.  Next stop a thousand visitors a day. Check out a few of my blog sites: