Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Thank you 3.3 million followers!

Imagine 3.3 million people! Where do I start?  Who knew where it would lead when I started blogging on occasion? Some of the topics I blog about have been spun off onto their own blogs. The very popular bloggers get millions of followers, one day I may generate those numbers but not yet.  

When I saw some famous Instagram or Tic-Tok blogger mentioned on the news, and the number of people checking out their content it got me curious and I went to check the stats on my own blogs. Nope, not millions but it's cool to see there are a few of my blogs getting traffic. I think it's great a few dozen of you reading the content I publish on my blogs. Remember if it's interesting, entertaining or you just like something, reblog, share, like, follow, etc.  Next stop a thousand visitors a day. Check out a few of my blog sites: